Outreach Outside of UM

Global Outreach Global Outreach

Mission Statement

To achieve  a bigger impact we bridge out of UM. We created exchange agreement with the Banach Institute in Poland, we encourage activities in Bulgaria, and more. The plan is to create Latino-WIMSA , a network of WIMSA initiatives in every Latin America country 

Latino WIMSA

WIMSA abbreviation for Advancing Women mathematicians Across the Americas. This Module serves as a network for women mathematicians each one represent one of the 14 different mathematical Societies in South America. 

More over it will serve as a show case for the Women mathematicians in Latin America. More to come. Please click here for events.


International Presentations of the Director
Lectures about WIMSA in Other Institutes
Chair of Scientific Committee of Conference of Women in South East Europe
Exchange Agreement with the Banach Center in Warsaw, Poland
