
Mina Teicher, Ph.D.

Senior Executive Liaison for Outreach

Mina Teicher is Professor of Mathematics and Neuroscience, with an international reputation in algebraic geometry, computer vision, cryptography, cyber security, computational neuroscience, complex systems and mathematical education. She earned her Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees from Tel Aviv University. Her dissertation, Birational Transformation Between 4-folds, was supervised by Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro. She was a postdoctoral fellow and a repeated member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. She has been the Director of the Emmy Noether Research Institute for Mathematics at Bar-Ilan University.

She gave lectures and keynotes in many prestigious platforms and universities worldwide including Columbia, Yale, Chicago, Miami, NYU, Pisa, MPI-Bonn, MPI-Leiptzig, Shanghai, Canberra, Buenos Aires, Quito, Wits, Pretoria, Hong Kong, Moscow, Sofia and more. She was the inaugural Emmy Noether Visiting Professor at the University of Göttingen.

Teicher was the the Vice President for Research and Development of Bar-Ilan University. As Vice-President for Research, she was in charge of commercialization of patents and credited for establishing numerous spinoff companies. She raised the funds and established the biggest Brain Research Center in Israel. She served as Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. She was the Chair of the Board of Governors of the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, and a co-chair of FETAG of the European Commission. She has served in many additional capacities including as the Chair of the Israel National Committee for International R&D, member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Advanced Study of Gottingen University in Germany and of the Brain Center of the Abu Dhabi University in the UAE and as an Israeli delegate to the International Mathematical Union. Currently, she is a member of the National Council for R&D of Israel government, Vice President (and Founding member) of the UNESCO Digital Campus for Complex Systems,member of the Board of the American Friends of the BSF, member of the Advisory Board of the Research Institute of Okinawa University, member of the Advisory Board of the Center of the Mathematical Sciences of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Miami Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas where she is leading the initiative "Advancing Women in Mathematics Across the Americas" (WIMSA).
